Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dum Dums and Tantrums

The main purpose behind me moving home this summer was to save money and make money, so I picked up a babysitting job this week and was pretty excited since it really has been years since I have babysat. Yesterday everything went pretty well, we went and saw Despicable Me in 3D and it was pretty cute. We ate lunch at the park, colored, played outside, swam in the little pool; all typical summer activities, great day for sure. Well today was pretty good too, until the 4-year-old decided he didn't want to go to swimming lessons. It took me about 20 minutes to convince him to put on his swim shorts and then we had to stop by my house on the way because of course I had left my cell phone there and they don't have a home phone, so it really was important. Once we got to the Court Club, he sat on a chair and told me he wasn't getting in. So I talked to his teacher and she brought over another teacher and basically they took off his shoes and carried him into the pool....he did not like that! Super tantrum!!! They had me go sit outside and wait so he couldn't see me and after five minutes he was totally fine and after the class he was all smiles. My mom had given me a couple dum dum suckers when I stopped by, so in order to keep him from hating me after that episode, he got a sucker. What did I learn from this? 1) Make them get in the pool, because if you let them sit out, they will never want to get back in. 2) I don't mind watching other people's kids for a short amount of time, but it is definitely going to be years before I even consider having my own. 3) Dum Dum's are good bribes.

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny. I loved this story. I was babysitting my cousins for a whole week, so I was in charge of getting them ready for school, breakfast...the whole deal. The 4 year old girl fought me about wearing jeans to school for like 20 minutes. She wanted to wear a dress but it was snowing. What a morning it was. Bribes work every time. They are my best friends.
